Workshop provider FAQs

If you’d like to host a free online workshop (suitable for 4-18 year olds) for educational settings in your local area on Festival Day, sign up here.

Upload your workshop information by clicking here by the 20th November 2023. You can offer between one and four sessions in hourly slots on Festival Day. If your organisation can spare more than one facilitator, you can increase the number of sessions you offer and therefore connect with more schools. Each workshop will be booked by one setting only, allowing for a new relationship to be established between you and the setting.

Once the session is booked by a school, you’ll both receive a confirmation email containing the others’ contact details. Please introduce yourself and request a virtual meeting link (they have to provide this for safeguarding purposes) for the workshop to be delivered. You should also discuss with them any additional needs you may need to know about, how many students will be attending and the length of the session.

You won’t be able to upload your workshops after the 20th November 2023 so please upload your info by then.

Workshops will be delivered virtually through a meeting link that the setting will have set up and sent to you. If you haven’t received this yet please request it. Log on via the meeting link at the right time on Festival Day and begin your workshop!

We encourage you to speak with the school contact beforehand and discuss any needs you both may have, as well as the specific time of the session within the one hour time slot (typically the sessions will be from 20 – 40 minutes depending on the setting’s timetable).

N&B won’t be moderating the session but our team will be on hand throughout the day if you need support. A school staff member will be with you on the session so you won’t be on your own with the students.

Yes you can send any material to the setting beforehand so the school contact has access to it (and they can share it with their students).

No, for safeguarding purposes these sessions are live and won’t be recorded anywhere unless explicitly agreed between you and the setting.

Since the aim of the festival is to create long lasting relationships that are sustainable/ commutable, you could get in touch with the setting to explain that you would rather work with a school closer to you. In this case, you can ask them to cancel their booking so you can wait for a setting more local to you to book.

Alternatively, you could proceed with the settings who have booked and hope that the sessions work so well virtually that long term relationships are still possible.

We’re fundraising so schools can bring in urgent, interim mental health provisions.