Browse this list of free educational mental health and wellbeing resources and lesson plans from some of our partner organisations
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
AFNCCF’s mission is to transform the experience of children, young people and their families with mental health.
ResourcesBBC Newsround
Coronavirus: What to do if someone you love has died. Doctor Radha talks to Leah about the ways you can cope when someone has died.
We are an established children’s charity delivering vital mental health and emotional wellbeing services in schools across Essex and East London. Our Schools’ Information Pack has been written with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in mind but is a relevant resource for use in the case of bereavement generally.
Bloom is a free UK-wide programme which supports young people’s mental health resilience. The programme equips young people with the tools and knowledge to maintain their mental health through life’s transitions, both now and in the future. Bloom is brought to you by Mental Health UK.
ResourcesBounce Forward
Bounce Forward applies the science to develop the skills of mental resilience and emotional wellbeing to create psychologically fit adults of tomorrow: attributes that are critical for success in future.
Bow-Wowza is a wonderful world of talking dogs and wellbeing hacks that equips children with evidence-based tools to be mentally resilient, full of PAWsitivity, and ready to unleash their best lives. Developed by award-winning educators and content creators, our videos, meditations and activities are offered free of charge – with the sole aim of empowering the next generation to flourish. Visit our website to learn more and #bemorebowwowza!
ResourcesCentre for Mental Health
Centre for Mental Health is a charity with over 30 years’ experience in providing life changing research, economic analysis and policy influence in mental health. In this handy guide for teachers, This is me sets out the context in which young black men are growing up, and highlights the ways teachers and the school system can help them to thrive in school. This short guide covers the need for changes to the school culture, the building of relationships and for greater opportunities outside of school.
ResourcesCharlie Waller Trust
Our focus is on supporting all young people, throughout their journey from primary school age to the early years of their working lives. Every year we reach thousands of young people, educators, parents and employers with our individually tailored training. Positive, practical and proven, we support you to develop a whole organisation approach to embedding meaningful, positive change.
ResourcesChildren’s Parliament
Last summer as we eased out of the first lockdown, the children created a fun, little magazine with us which they called ‘Adventures in Wellbeing’. It was also designed to support children across Scotland to get ready to return to school after such a long period of school closure.
ResourcesClued Up Coaching
“We passionately believe in the magic of young people and want to see them thrive throughout their education and beyond. We provide a bespoke programme of coaching, supporting young people to build their confidence, resilience and self-worth. Your students will develop a positive mindset to tackle anything that life throws at them, after all the future is in their hands!”
CUES-Ed is an innovative psycho-education project based in primary schools. The ‘Who I Am and What I Can: How to Keep My Brain Amazing’ package has been designed by SLaM Clinical Psychologists and CBT therapists to improve the emotional wellbeing and resilience of primary school children.
ResourcesGrief Encounter
Grief Encounter has a library of age-appropriate resources available, from lesson plans to Grief Guides, for children and young people aged from pre-school to University. Get in touch with us for more information at
WebsiteGood Morning Ms Foster
Good Morning Ms Foster is all about students and teachers. Mrs Foster creates resources that focus on ‘the hidden curriculum’, the ones that most governments aren’t interested in. But she is.
ResourcesHeads Up Kids
Wellbeing for the whole class. A social and emotional wellbeing programme, providing teachers and Primary school children with skills that make an ongoing difference and impact on all areas of school life.
The iHeart Schools Programme is a mental health education project designed to help young people (and educators of young people) uncover their innate resilience and wellbeing.
Jenny Tomei is passionate about educating and empowering those who are at risk of developing an eating disorder. JenUp provides workshops, online resources, webinars for parents, teachers and young people, along side one to one coaching services. Click below for an toolkit: Early Intervention and Prevention of Eating Disorders: A Resource For 16+ Students
A selection of group and individual activities for secondary students, aimed at raising their Emotional Health & Wellbeing.
LGfL have worked with schools to produce Wellbeing Connected, an open access resource for Primary Schools, it has been designed to bring the key information in both a video and text format with a quick and accessible interface.
ResourcesLittle Ruffle
Little Ruffle and The World Beyond is an illustrated children’s book about a little bird who can’t see out of her nest, so listens to stories about the world from her elders. As a result, she becomes afraid to fly the nest because it sounds like a bad and scary place. But Little Ruffle soon learns through a heart-warming adventure that the world is filled with beauty, kindness, courage and brilliance – we just have to know where to look. Through these resources, children will learn to navigate the news in a way that helps them create a more balanced, accurate and hopeful picture of the world.
ResourcesMelva by Mortal Fools
MELVA digital is available to schools and educational settings now; it’s a fun and accessible creative intervention, supporting children (aged 7-11) and the adults in their lives to talk openly about – and better understand – their mental health, emotions and wellbeing. The resource below takes students through a learning journey about the brain and its wondrous malleability.
WebsiteMentally Healthy Schools
Mentally Healthy Schools brings together quality-assured mental health resources, information & advice for primary schools in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
WebsiteMind Yer Time
Designed by children and young people from the Children’s Parliament and the Scottish Youth Parliament, Mind Yer Time has been created to support everyone who loves social media and screen time. We’ve got positive tips, stories and information for children and young people, to help you use your screen time positively!
WebsiteMuseum of Happiness
We’re the Museum of Happiness, a not-for-profit who shares the science and art of happiness in playful and reflective ways. So join us to build a ‘Mile of Smiles’ made up of 1,760 community
stories, photos and happy memories of things we feel grateful for.
My Emotions Activity Book
My Emotions Activity Book is the perfect place for children to explore and express their feelings. It uses beautiful illustrations of animals, fun activities and gentle questions to help children reflect on how they feel and understand the emotions they experience.
MyTutor Teen Mental Health
There are lots of common issues that you can help your teen with if you have the right tips. Keep reading for a break-down of some key pain-points, and what you can to do help as a parent.
WebsiteNip In The Bud
The films and accompanying fact sheets below have been prepared to help teachers and school staff with children who may have a diagnosis, may be showing symptoms of a potential mental health condition or may be struggling as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic.
With our 25 years of experience, we have developed and recommended mental health resources for schools to help your team support pupils’ mental health.
Our mental health resources for schools can make a real difference to the emotional wellbeing of pupils.
WebsitePositive Planners
We want everyone to make their mental health a priority in life!
And it’s our mission to give you the power to do this through everything we create.
Rest Easy Training offer a simple, effective, affordable solution to mental health in schools. Our approach provides safe nurturing spaces & a universal language for discussing difficult emotions. We’ve created a selection of our most popular resources & would like to share them with you for FREE. Click here to relax, enjoy & Rest Easy
WebsiteSeeMe Scotland
The pack is to support both teachers and young people to learn about mental health and develop the skills and confidence to tackle stigma and discrimination in school and the wider community. The pack is designed to be used with young people between the ages of 11 and 18.
See Me is Scotland’s Programme to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination. We are funded by Scottish Government and managed by SAMH and The Mental Health Foundation.
Next steps in inclusive education shares ideas and best practice to help you ensure that an LGBT inclusive approach is fully embedded in your whole school, college or setting ethos. With guidance around policies, working with parents and carers and and inclusive curriculum it’s a must read.
We believe that happiness and wellbeing should be at the heart of education and we give schools the tools to put it there. Wellbeing in schools doesn’t have to be expensive. And everybody loves free stuff. That’s why we’ve chosen some of our favourite resources to give away for FREE! Download, enjoy and share away!
ResourcesTES Classroom Wellbeing Hub
Download resources and get expert advice for looking after your pupils’ and your own wellbeing.
Yoga, mindfulness, and dance are great ways to promote positive mental health and they can be done indoors without any fancy equipment. We’re giving schools free access to all our yoga and mindfulness resources, plus selected dance units.
WebsiteThe Whole of Me
An innovative new resource for Early years, Year 1 & Year 2. Creative resources for teachers inspired by yoga to enhance literacy skills delivered via an online platform. Storytelling, music & movement linked to the themes of wellness created by educationalists & yoga teachers.